Monday, January 27, 2020

Changes in the wind

A lot has happened in only a few I tendered my resignation as an equestrian marshal. It feels very strange, but I am certain it was the correct thing to do. I should have done it sooner, but such is my stubbornness. I consulted all three of my peers and received nothing but support. I feel fortunate in that regard.

As for what else has happened, I now have three peers. Master Avery Austringer took me as a protege at Festival of Maidens last Saturday. I am his first protege and as such, he has no contract in place for me to sign. We'll see how that works out for him. :D

So in the immediate future, I will be continuing with the steps I have already taken (learning to fight, working on A&S projects, working up to teaching), but I will also be investigating ways to serve the equestrian community without being a marshal. As in all things, I may not do it well, but I will do my best.

Thursday, January 9, 2020


This crossed my feed elsewhere today:

Historic Skills Challenge

I am intrigued by the idea, and while I know I wouldn't be able to complete a bingo card as it were, I still like the idea of laying out challenges this way. So I am saving the link here for myself for later, and if anyone happens to see it and wants to try it, as well, then all the better!

In the meantime, I am entertaining the idea of entering my Barony's upcoming poetry challenge. I've previously written one poem in an attempted Middle Eastern style, but I would also like to write one specifically for the occasion. I have less than two weeks. Wish me luck, ha!