Thursday, April 18, 2019

Not A&S, but still a milestone

Last weekend I traded in my man-at-arms belt for a squire's belt from my knight, Sir Seto Gesshuko. I have absolutely zero delusion that I will become a knight; with my age and disability, I am not imagining this is a path to a white belt. However, it does represent its own set of goals: to be better than I currently am, to respect where I have been and where I go, and to strive to represent myself and my households with honor.

In that regard, it is very much like my green belt. I may never achieve the "end goal" of the associated peerage, but for me, that isn't the point. Just guidance on a path to becoming better than I am is the point. As is often noted, it is the journey and not the destination that is important, and though I will never be a great fighter, I will wear my belt with pride and respect.