Friday, December 16, 2022

Just in time for the new year...

 ...I have a shiny new badge.

Suggested to me by our wonderful herald Kallinikos of Rhodes, it is fieldless, a Persian double-bow azure. I had been mulling possibilities for ages but would never have come up with such a perfect and delightful badge on my own. I already have a lengthy list of applications for it!

Saturday, May 28, 2022

I finished a thing!

 This bar and vine piece has been lingering in my scribal box for awhile...since before the pandemic, in fact. Today I dragged it out and finished it. It only needed the whitework and lining. My hands shake much worse than they used to, but I'm still happy with how some of the whitework turned out. I love the little arrows and half stars; the little leaf highlights look a bit clumsy here and there, but they add some interest and were worth trying, I think.

Friday, May 27, 2022


 We attended our first in-person event since the pandemic began, and it was Crystal Chamfron, the event I started. As with all Chamfrons since I lost Aziza, my feelings were mixed; I want to support the equestrian community, and I hope to take part in it again someday, but being around horses tears my heart out all over again. On the positive side, it was absolutely delightful to spend time with friends, especially those from outside the area. A rider and SCAdian I admire sought my input on a personal matter, flattering me tremendously, and later Wylle was called up in court (twice!) to receive awards (including one that utilized one of my scroll blanks, funnily enough). Despite it being a soggy Saturday, the event was a great success. It was my favorite Chamfron in a long while.

I rode enough to keep my authorizations. I had intended to spend some time on the archery range, but that got rained out. I did, however, get my bows inspected, including the "new" Pony bow that I haven't even gotten to fire yet, so when Wylle gets the range at the farm cleared, I can resume practice. I'm looking forward to it. I am not a good archer by any stretch, but I do enjoy shooting. It is one of the more medieval/immersive SCA activities for me. There is a fundamental satisfaction about archery buried somewhere in my lizard brain, I think!

Our Barony has been meeting in person for a short while, and if things continue as they are, we will likely start attending again soon. I'm eager to return to fighter's practice. Between that, archery, and my scribal interests, I definitely have enough to keep me busy for awhile.