Monday, July 31, 2017

Some helpful links for Scadian equestrians and Near/Middle Easterners


I thought it might be handy to have a collection of my favorite equestrian and N/ME links in one post. I expect this list to build over time.

Equestrian Links
Mounted Archery Resources
Building Games Equipment
Easy Equestrian Equipment
A Proper Tourney Fence
Period Riding Garb From Your Closet
Horse Tack and Equipment from Gulf Wars 10
Ilaria's Home Page
Costume of the Military Horse
The A&S Faire and the Equestrian

Near/Middle Eastern Persona Links
Dar Anahita
Arabic in the SCA
Linda's Studio
Miriam's Middle Eastern Research Blog


  1. Oooh, Thank you for this! I'm trying to do the same thing. :)


    Eowyth (from Calontir)

    1. You're welcome! I'm glad someone might find it useful. :) Now I just need to expand on it!
